Tuesday, March 15, 2005
OMG they did it AGAIN!!!
Well... They did it again. Instead of $280 from Centerlink.. I got $90.
Any my kids suffer again. I really despise John Howard. His meddling with the system has caused this. Centerlink make no appologies. It's legislation they always say. Recent legislation by the present government.. I always answer. So what happened this time. Well because I was moving. I forgot to return a form. Centerlink dont advise you anymore that they have stopped supporting you. The first thing you know about it is when there is no money for this week. What a horrible little man that Howard must be. To ignore the pleas of honest citizens for a "fair go". To be so penny pinching and money hungry. To impact on low income families this way. It's UN-AUSTRALIAN. Constantly having to worry that a form hasn't been misplaced. Because Centerlink WILL misplace forms and then claim that you have never filled them in. Resulting in a loss of payments again. If you question the system. You get told it's legislation. Howards legislation. Tight Ass Wanker Legislation I think. Ok.. So when I explain that since I moved to this house. My housemate has moved on. Now they will reinstate my benefit. But I have to wait 2 days longer. No appologies for screwing me around. I am lucky to get anything at all. Howards Australia.. Where we all screw each other (like lawyers and soliciters do) for the right to survive. I for one will be very vocal during the next federal election.
Any my kids suffer again. I really despise John Howard. His meddling with the system has caused this. Centerlink make no appologies. It's legislation they always say. Recent legislation by the present government.. I always answer. So what happened this time. Well because I was moving. I forgot to return a form. Centerlink dont advise you anymore that they have stopped supporting you. The first thing you know about it is when there is no money for this week. What a horrible little man that Howard must be. To ignore the pleas of honest citizens for a "fair go". To be so penny pinching and money hungry. To impact on low income families this way. It's UN-AUSTRALIAN. Constantly having to worry that a form hasn't been misplaced. Because Centerlink WILL misplace forms and then claim that you have never filled them in. Resulting in a loss of payments again. If you question the system. You get told it's legislation. Howards legislation. Tight Ass Wanker Legislation I think. Ok.. So when I explain that since I moved to this house. My housemate has moved on. Now they will reinstate my benefit. But I have to wait 2 days longer. No appologies for screwing me around. I am lucky to get anything at all. Howards Australia.. Where we all screw each other (like lawyers and soliciters do) for the right to survive. I for one will be very vocal during the next federal election.

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