Saturday, March 05, 2005
A Letter to the P.M.
As posted to the PM's website :
Dear John,
Just a note to ask you some questions.
I was wondering what businesses you personally are involved in?
I would also like to know what stocks, bonds, assets you have?
You see.. Being unemployed..
I have been hit hard by your decisions to tighten up the system.
And I think that your an evil man.
Have you been making decisions that you have a vested interest in?
Of course you have John.. What about your own retirement fund? Since Australians can't rely on an old age pension anymore... What are you going to do about MP's unending pensions? Ignore it John.. Your good at that... Maybe if you increase the retirement age.. It will save you money.. Ohh.. Dont forget to slash everything you can.. Budget Surplus!!Because we know that all you care about.
It must be nice to be so rich.
Is it John?
Do a Keeting...
Spend 2 weeks on your own Newstart Benefit.
Lets see you do the activities.. Buy the newspapers.. Attend the interviews... Pay your rent.. Take care of your kids.. (I have 2) .
Hope you find a decent job.. Lots of luck.. Because since YOU stuffed everything up.. There is NO full time employment...
I noticed you screwed with Industrial Relations too.. Because you have to let an employer rip you off for 6 months before they will look into it...
Nice change that one John.. Who did it help?? Ohhh thats right.. Your friends.. The Liberal Party contributers.. Sorry John.. I should have realised...
You were elected to represent the will of the people... You never had a mandate to sell Telstra.. Or anything else.. For that matter..
Your loaded question about the republic... Your upper echelon ripoff ala GST.. Wik...Gun Laws... Medicare Private... War...
What a way to get remembered...
We didnt have to have a war.. But you wanted too...
Well John...
We are nearly ended... I guess you have worked out that I dont think much of your lies. Your manipulation of Australian society for your own ends is deplorable.
This email and your reply (If your brave enough) can be viewed at
Thanks Again John..
You are without doubt Australian's Prime Mangler.
Wonder if I will get a reply? Stay tuned.. :)
Dear John,
Just a note to ask you some questions.
I was wondering what businesses you personally are involved in?
I would also like to know what stocks, bonds, assets you have?
You see.. Being unemployed..
I have been hit hard by your decisions to tighten up the system.
And I think that your an evil man.
Have you been making decisions that you have a vested interest in?
Of course you have John.. What about your own retirement fund? Since Australians can't rely on an old age pension anymore... What are you going to do about MP's unending pensions? Ignore it John.. Your good at that... Maybe if you increase the retirement age.. It will save you money.. Ohh.. Dont forget to slash everything you can.. Budget Surplus!!Because we know that all you care about.
It must be nice to be so rich.
Is it John?
Do a Keeting...
Spend 2 weeks on your own Newstart Benefit.
Lets see you do the activities.. Buy the newspapers.. Attend the interviews... Pay your rent.. Take care of your kids.. (I have 2) .
Hope you find a decent job.. Lots of luck.. Because since YOU stuffed everything up.. There is NO full time employment...
I noticed you screwed with Industrial Relations too.. Because you have to let an employer rip you off for 6 months before they will look into it...
Nice change that one John.. Who did it help?? Ohhh thats right.. Your friends.. The Liberal Party contributers.. Sorry John.. I should have realised...
You were elected to represent the will of the people... You never had a mandate to sell Telstra.. Or anything else.. For that matter..
Your loaded question about the republic... Your upper echelon ripoff ala GST.. Wik...Gun Laws... Medicare Private... War...
What a way to get remembered...
We didnt have to have a war.. But you wanted too...
Well John...
We are nearly ended... I guess you have worked out that I dont think much of your lies. Your manipulation of Australian society for your own ends is deplorable.
This email and your reply (If your brave enough) can be viewed at
Thanks Again John..
You are without doubt Australian's Prime Mangler.
Wonder if I will get a reply? Stay tuned.. :)

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