Thursday, March 03, 2005

John Howard Lies

Hmmmmm How does this prick keep getting elected??????
Have a look at
to see how many lies.. He is either the biggest liar we have had for a PM. Or he is the only one to be caught!! Yeah I know... They all lie.. So how come we get FORCED to elect them? Would you vote for a liar? Then why did you?? Then how did he get elected? Someone must have voted for him.. But nobody wants to own up to it. All these proud brave psudo liberals who voted for Howard. All in denial about supporting him now. So did Howard actually get elected? Or was there a fault in the election counting. Like a big LIBERAL fault. I'm sure the Liberals only count the votes correctly when they have a big MESS that needs cleaning up. Or a scapegoat to blame for it all. So judging by the state of Australia at the moment. I guess the Libs will slink off next time. Because they have created a nice big mess for the ALP to try and fix again.

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