Thursday, March 03, 2005
Bad Government
Well today we heard that the Country isn't quite as rosy as Mr Howard would like us to think. What a shock.. lol NOT!!! So the economy barely developed.. Well what do you expect with all these new policies designed to make working Australians work harder and longer. The Liberals seem to think that taxing the lower income earners MORE than their rich buddies results in an increased economy? Hmmmmm More money in the fat cats pockets.. AND we have had an interest rate hike. Well.. How many people will that put under? Not that Mr Howard cares. He is too busy making it more impossible to collect Government welfare.. Dont ya know.. So when it gets real tough... Hope you dont loose your job. Because you will be in for a shock. Mr Howard has changed most things. And you think maybe since you have been paying taxes all your life.. Maybe you DESERVE unemployement benefits. Wrong.. Mr Howard thinks that Welfare money could be better spent of tax rebates. So dont expect any EMERGENCY payments. Cos they dont exist anymore. You have to be a FARMER in financial trouble for that.. Or have no roof over your head. Even then.. You will have to wait. Until they cross the T's and dot all I's.. It may take a month or more. And there is no good complaining. Because you see.. It's Government legislation. But aparently thats ok too.. Because Mr Howard will back pay you. If your survive. Have fun with Mr Howard's vision for Australia's future. You poor sheep.. lol

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